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Amazing Aerogel!
Goal: Aerogel, commonly called "frozen smoke," is a super material with some amazing properties! Learn about those properties and put them to use!
1. Learn about aerogel and what is currently used for by watching this Powerpoint and/or How Stuff Works Article or researching on the Internet.
2. Brainstorm other ways in which this amazing product could be used. What else could be done with it?
3. Choose one new idea to propose. In your proposal make sure to:
Explain what aerogel is
Explain some of the current uses for aerogel
Propose a new use for aerogel
Explain why aerogel could be used this way based on its properties
Scoring Guide
Associated Learning Targets
Matter 5: Understand that atoms are arranged in different ways that compose all substances including elements, molecules, compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
Matter 6 LT1: Understands a substance has physical (density, a boiling point, and solubility, etc.) and chemical (reactivity, pH) properties.
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