Forces and Motion Step 2
Newton's First Law and Friction
Newton's First Law
Level 2:
- Knows the terms: Newton, inertia, unbalanced force, balanced force, friction, gravity, air resistance.
- Knows Newton's First Law of Motion.
- Knows different types of friction.
Level 3:
LT1: Understands an unbalanced force acting upon an object changes its speed or direction of motion or both.
LT2: Understands the role of friction in motion.
Learning Activities
1. The Nature of Force Reading and Worksheet
2. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
3. Newton's First Law Reading with Worksheet
4. Video- Newton's First Law of Motion: Force, Friction, and Inertia
with Notetaker
- Newton's First Law of Motion - Science of NFL Football (Video)
5. Friction Reading with Worksheet
6. Everyday Friction Assignment
7. Friction Lab
10. Study Guide & Practice Vocabulary with Quizlet
11. Forces and Motion Test
12. Complete a Challenge
Possible Challenges: