Sticky Sneakers
The appropriate sneaker for an activity should have a specific type of tread to grip the floor or the ground. In this investigation you will tests the friction of different sneakers to determine which sneaker might be the best for a certain sport.
1. Choose a sport that you want to focus on for which the right type of sneaker might be important.
2. Gather the sneakers that you want to test. Include at least three different brands of sneakers, but you may choose to test more.
3. Design how you will conduct your experiment. Write a step-by-step procedure that explains how you would determine the best sneaker for the job.
Note: Sneakers are designed to deal with various friction forces that you might want to consider including:
- Starting friction, which is involved when you start from a stopped position.
- Forward-Stopping friction, which is involved when you come to a forward stop.
- Sideways-Stopping friction, which is involved when you come to a sideways stop.
4. Prepare a data table in which you can record each type of friction for each sneaker and the results you find.
5. Conduct your experiment and record your data.
6. Share your findings. You can create a poster or video or write a report to share what you have learned. Make sure to include the following sections:
- Question you were trying to answer
- Procedure
- Data
- Conclusion supported by data
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