Possible Challenges to choose from are listed below. You do not need to complete them all! Your goal is to show proficiency for each target twice. Some of the challenges focus on one target but many of them hit more than one target. The learning targets that the challenge addresses are listed below each challenge name. You may also come up with your own idea - just run it by Mrs. Swett first.
Follow these steps:
1. Choose a challenge.
2. Identify what you need to learn to complete the challenge. You can use the capacity matrices for each learning target to help with this.
3. Use the resources on the learning target pages to help you learn the material or find your own resources.
4. As you learn the material, you can also be working on your challenge.
5. Share your challenge with Mrs. Swett and she will provide feedback on how you can improve your work and learning.
For most challenges, it is okay to work in groups of up to two people, just make sure you all have a role and contribute to the project and the learning. You will be held accountable for understanding the material.