The Evolution of Bigfoot
1. Consider: Could a species like bigfoot ever have evolved?
2. Describe the environment bigfoot lives in and the adaptations of bigfoot.
3. Answer the question using the theory of natural selection to support your determination.
Could there have been a species that bigfoot might have evolved from through the process of natural selection? If so, which species?
How would this evolution have happened? What environmental conditions would have driven the changes that could have led to bigfoot? What physical changes would have had to have been made in the species? Use the process of natural selection to explain the changes.
If you do not think that it is possible for bigfoot to have evolved from another species, explain why it could not have happened using the process of natural selection.
4. Create a diagram, comic strip, children's book, or video (must include a picture representation) to show whether a species like bigfoot could or could not have evolved through natural selection. Make sure to include:
Your description of the environment from Step 2
Your description of the natural selection of Bigfoot from Step 3.
A picture of Bigfoot and the species it may have evolved from and any intermediate steps that may have led to Bigfoot.
Level 4: Add an event to the environment Bigfoot lives in (e.g., flood, drought, fire, loss of prey) and predict how Bigfoot may change due to this disruption. Which traits would be selected for and which would be selected against. Draw what the next Bigfoot may look like after this change.