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GOAL: Learn how soap is made and then try it yourself!
1. Research the process of soap making. There are different ways to make soap. Find one that works for you and involves ingredients that you can get. Then answer the following questions in a write up:
- What are the main ingredients?
- What is the procedure you will use to make the soap?
- What are the chemical and physical properties of the ingredients?
- What chemical and/or physical changes are involved in making soap?
2. Gather your materials and try it yourself. Remember to take safety precautions!
3. Bring in your soap or try making it in class. If you make it at home, make sure to document the process with pictures or a video!
Scoring Guide
Associated Learning Targets:
Matter 7: Understands a substance has physical (density, a boiling point, and solubility, etc.) and chemical (reactivity, pH) properties.
Matter 8: Understands the differences between physical and chemical changes.
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