Element Superhero!
Goal: Design a superhero (or villain!) based on the properties of an element from the Periodic Table.
1. Choose an element from the Periodic Table.
2. Research your element. Find out:
What are the chemical properties of the element?
What are the physical properties of the element?
Who discovered the element? How? When?
Where can the element be found?
What is the element used for?
Click here for a Google Doc sheet with these questions on them! Make sure to make a copy for yourself!
3. Make it a Superhero (or Villain)! Using the chemical and physical properties of your element, create your superhero by answering the following questions:
Is your element a superhero or villain?
What is your character's name?
What powers does your character have? (base these on the physical and chemical properties of your element)
How did your character get those powers? (use your imagination!)
What weaknesses does your character have? (base these on the physical and chemical properties of your element)
What does your character look like? (think about the color and state of the element (solid, liquid, gas))
Where does your hero live? (think about where it can be found in nature) Do they have a hideout?
Does your character have an arch nemesis? If so, who?
What additional elements could "team up" with your hero to make them more powerful? (think about what types of compounds it makes)
4. Draw a picture of your superhero/villain! You can use the template on the worksheet, draw it free hand, or make a computer drawn image.
5. For a '4' - Create a story or comic strip involving your hero/villain that includes a plot and displays the powers of your character.
Scoring Guide